13 January 2011

Weekly Top Five - 13.Jan.11

In  High Fidelity, the characters compare their top fives in a variety of categories. Being big fans of both the film and novel, we here at the What bring you our Weekly Top Five, a feature focused on five fantastic things that you should become familiar with.

Cool Things I Saw Online This Week
The Weekly Top Five feature sprung out of an article detailing five ways to kill time on the internet (seen here). Therefore, for this week's feature, we decided to revisit that idea and take a look at five really cool things we saw while perusing the world wide web this week.

5. The Graduate Student's Wardrobe - This article from Real Men, Real Style is a handy resource for gentlemen trying to help their wardrobe reach the graduate level. As I mentioned last week, I spent a lot of time this year updating my wardrobe beyond the jeans and tee shirt look and websites such as this one can be a valuable tool in helping you do the same.

4. Dress Like This Guy: Baron Davis - This piece from Effortless Gent recommends that gents try emulating the style of Clippers' point guard Baron Davis. While not everyone can pull off Davis' look, you can still pull of the attitude, which is half of style anyway. The attitude I speak of is the general lack of caring for how others see you. If you are comfortable with your look and style, run with it and make it work.

3. The Muppets do Kanye's Monster - You can see this video in the most recent edition of Mixtape Madness. It is truly wonderful. Seeing Cookie Monster in his early nineties hip hop garb rapping "I'm a fat motherfucker" is priceless. Also priceless, the finale courtesy of Piggy Minaj. Enjoy.

2. The SOL Origin Survival Kit - As with many sites, the stuff highlighted by Cool Material can be hit or miss, though in their case it's mostly hit. And this is definitely a hit. The six-ounce survival package includes everything you need except for some burgers and a grill to cook them on. It will definitely be a major player in my next camping trip. Also, it will be handy for the Zombie Apocalypse.

1. The Best Places To Do Everything - This list, courtesy of Men's Health, covers everything from where to have first time sex (her place) to where to sit at a restaurant (next to, not across from, your date). This all-encompassing list touches on the personal, professional, and recreational sides of life, with the majority of their suggestions being right on point.

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